BCHS Curriculum
English Language Arts
English 12- AL Course of Study
Textbook: Prentice Hill Literature- British Edition
English 11 - AL Course of study
Text: My Perspectives - American Literature (SAVVAS) 2023
AP English - College Board/ AP Classroom Course of study
Text: Reading and Writing from Literature - 3rd Ed.
Hamlet, Oedipus, The Great Gatsby
A collection of short stories
2 Novels of student choice
English 101
Text: Successful College Writing 8th edition - Kathleen McWhorter
ENGLISH 10- AL Course of Study
Course name
English 10 / Honors English 10
Textbook Used
MyPerspectives English Language Arts- 10th Grade
Novels Used (Tentative)
The Great Gatsby
Fahrenheit 451
Moby Dick
A Christmas Carol
The Hobbit
Novels Used:
Alabama 2021 Course of Study
Algebra 2- All things Algebra- Algebra 2, Gina Wilson
Precalculus- All things Algebra- Precalculus, Gina Wilson
AP Precalculus- Flamingo Math- AP Precalculus, Jeanine Adams
Earth and Space Science, Textbook: Holt McDougal Earth Science 2010, Alabama COS
Physical Science, Textbook: Holt Science Spectrum Physical Science 2013 Alabama COS
Environmental Science, Textbook Environmental Science, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Heithaus Arms 2013, Alabama COS
Forensic Science, Edmentum Courseware, Alabama COS
Social Sciences & Electives
Social Science
Government - Magruder's American Government
Economics - Prentice Hall Economics
World Geography - World Geography and Cultures - Glencoe
COS - no course of study
History of Presidents - The Complete Book of US Presidents Ninth Edition
COS - no course of study
US History II: The Industrial Revolution to the Present
Textbook: The Americans Reconstruction to the 21st Century (Holt McDougal)
2010 Alabama Course of Study Social Studies: US History 11: 1877 to Present
AP US History (APUSH)
Textbook: American Pageant (Kennedy & Cohen)
Textbook: AMSCO (Newman & Schmalbach)
AP College Board APUSH CED
History of the President's Elective
Textbook: The American Presidents (Kathryn Moore)
Sociology Elective
2010 Alabama Course of Study Social Studies: High School Elective Course Sociology Edmentum Course
Psychology Elective
Textbook: Understanding Psychology (McGraw Hill)
2010 Alabama Course of Study Social Studies: High School Elective Course
Business Communications, Marketing Principles, Digital Marketing, & Sports and Entertainment Marketing
Book used: Sports and Entertainment Marketing; by Ken Kaser, Dotty B. Oelkers
5th Edition | Copyright 2022
Health Education:
Alabama Course of Study
Health Education Folder in Schoology. All information is located in that folder.
Team Sports:
Alabama Course of Study Physical Education
English Intervention:
ALCOS Recurring STandards 9-12- PaGE 110
Novels: Holes by Louis Sachar; Monster by Walter Dean Myers; Where the Red Fern Grows By Wilson Rawls; Catching Fire By S. Collins
Peer Leadership- Course Outline
No textbook used